
The Reading Food Pantry relies on donations to operate. Because we are staffed by volunteers, 100 percent of your monetary donation goes straight to assisting our neighbors

Donate money:

You can also make checks payable to Reading Food Pantry and mail them to:

6 Salem St, Reading, MA 01867.

Donate items:

While we purchase some of our stock from the Greater Boston Food Bank (which provides stock at far below cost to local food pantries) much of our inventory comes in via donations from the community. Periodically, we publish wish lists (including Amazon Wish Lists) to our Facebook page and our Food Pantry Updates. Among the items we always need: coffee, tea, flour, sugar, baking soda, cooking oil, lunch packs of fruit, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, laundry detergent, and tissues.

You can drop off donations in the donation bins at Stop & Shop and Market Basket in Reading, during store hours. We also accept donations at the Reading Food Pantry at 6 Salem St. Reading. Come to the rear of the building on Wednesdays from 4:30-6pm.

We can only accept items that are unopened and unexpired - please check dates before donating!